I would like to start by hoping that you are all well and remain so during these difficult times.
The Trustees decided to cancel their planning meeting in March, however groups will continue to work on marketing, fund raising, technical issues, grant applications and liaison with statutory bodies, remaining in contact via email.
Regretfully any fundraising requiring face-to-face involvement or group activities have had to be put on hold. There is, however, some very good news!
Our bank account has now been set up and we are now able to accept donations either by cheque or online via JustGiving – full details are on our Support Us page http://saverodneyspillar.org.uk/supportus/ . We are in the process of being registered for Gift Aid which will add 25% to the amount of any eligible donation. Details of how to add Gift Aid are also on the Support Us page.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with each of our five activities – there will be plenty that can be achieved using phone or email contact. If you can help with:
Marketing & Social Media: email Steve Williams at marketing@saverodneyspillar.org.uk
Fund Raising: email Heather Hobman at fundraising@saverodneyspillar.org.uk
Technical: email Richard Hambleton at technical@saverodneyspillar.org.uk
Grant applications: email the grants team of Bill Lee, David Roberts and Richard Hambleton at grants@saverodneyspillar.org.uk
Liaison with Statutory Bodies: email the liaison team of David Roberts, Bill Lee and Richard Hambleton at statutory@saverodneyspillar.org.uk
Thank you for your continued support for our Charity.
I am somewhat of a Rodney scholar because of his efforts in the West Indies and America and wanted to check in on your efforts thus far.
Have you contacted the current Lord Rodney?
Grant Gilmore